Andover Concert Series

Performed at:

Seven Classical Concerts

Season 78
September 2024 to April 2025

Andover Music Club Privacy Policy


Following the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018 the Committee of Andover Music Club must obtain the consent of Club subscribers in order to use some of the more convenient communication tools. Consent is not required for some key procedures, such as the despatch of membership ticket(s), as this is viewed as “reasonable use” by GDPR; but the guidance is less clear with regard to the use of email or telephone contact details and the Committee therefore requests consent to use this data.


Subscribers’ data is only used to:

  1. Maintain and renew subscription of Andover Music Club.
  2. Advise subscribers of new information regarding the concert series or AGM using whatever method is deemed most appropriate (post, email or telephone).
  3. Inform HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) of Gift Aid donations to the Club.
  4. Respond to legitimate demands from civil authorities acting legally.


Postal Address

Subscribers' postal addressess are used to:

  1. Invite existing and lapsed subscribers (see “Data Retention” below) to renew their subscription.
  2. Deliver subscription ticket(s).
  3. Advise subscribers of new information regarding the concert series or AGM, if appropriate and if consent to use email and/or telephone has not been given.
  4. Allow HMRC to process Gift Aid donations to the Club.
In addition, postal addresses will be shared with any legally-constituted civil authority that makes a legitimate request for them.

Email Address

Subscribers' email addressess are used to:

  1. Remind existing and lapsed subscribers (see “Data Retention” below) to renew their subscription.
  2. Advise subscribers of new information regarding the concert series or AGM, if appropriate.
In addition, email addresses will be shared with any legally-constituted civil authority that makes a legitimate request for them.


Subscribers' telephone numbers are used to:

  1. Remind existing and lapsed subscribers (see “Data Retention” below) to renew their subscription, if appropriate or if consent has not been received to use email.
  2. Advise subscribers of new information regarding the concert series or AGM, if appropriate and if consent to use email has not been given. Note that, because of the cost and time involved, telephone will only be used in exceptional circumstances such as the late cancellation of a concert.
In addition, telephone numbers will be shared with any legally-constituted civil authority that makes a legitimate request for them.


The Committee recognises that not all subscribers may wish to receive third-party information – for example, news of concerts elsewhere – by any of these methods. The administrative burden of seeking separate consents and of maintaining accurate additional lists of contact information is too great, and the Committee has therefore decided not to pass on third-party information in this way.


Because of the annual subscription renewal cycle and the fact that some subscribers ‘skip’ a season, the Committee will hold subscribers' data for 4 years from the time of its submission. This means that each member will receive renewal invitations (and reminders, if appropriate) for up to 3 seasons after their most recent active subscription.


Active subscribers can opt out of receiving information by email and/or phone, at any time, by informing the Subscriptions Secretary in writing. Note that this will make it more difficult to communicate any urgent information about the current season of concerts.

Former subscribers can opt out of receiving subscription renewal information at any time by informing the Subscriptions Secretary in writing.


Subscribers' data is stored securely using password-controlled access on computers with up-to-date virus protection. Any Committee member entrusted with the data will observe all appropriate security precautions.


The privacy of subscribers' information is important to us and this Privacy Policy should resolve any issues subscribers may have. Any questions about the policy should be forwarded to the Chairman or Subscriptions Secretary.

Presented by:

Andover Music Club
Registered Charity No. 1016967

Presenting live classical music to
a wide audience since 1945

David Owen Norris MA (Oxon),

Performed at: